ÿþ<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>&#256D&#298N&#256 BEG KH&#256N (d. 1758)</TITLE> <style type="text/css"> .BODY { background-color: #EAF1F7; background-image: url('images/gtbh.jpg'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: center; color: #0066CC;} .C1{text-align: justify;color: #0066CC;FONT-size: SMALL;FONT-family: Tahoma;} .BIB{text-align: center;color: #000099;FONT-size: SMALL;FONT-family: Tahoma;} .CONT{text-align: right;color: #FF0000;FONT-size: SMALL;FONT-family: Tahoma;} </style><META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="D*N,BEG"> <META http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"></HEAD> <BODY class="BODY" oncontextmenu="return false" ondragstart="return false" onselectstart="return false"> <FONT ALIGN="JUSTIFY" FACE="Tahoma"> <p class="C1">&#65279&#256D&#298N&#256 BEG <u>KH</u>&#256N (d. 1758), governor of the Punjab for a few months in AD 1758, was, according to <i>Ahw&#257l-i-D&#299n&#257 Beg <u>Kh</u>&#257n</i>, an unpublished Persian manuscript, the son of Chann&#363, of the Ar&#257&#299&#7749 agriculturalist caste, mostly settled in Do&#257b&#257 region of the Punjab. He was born at the village of Sharakpur, near Lahore, now in Shei<u>kh</u>&#363pur&#257 district of Pakistan. &#256d&#299n&#257 Beg was brought up in Mu<u>gh</u>al homes, for the most part in Jal&#257l&#257b&#257d, <u>Kh</u>&#257npur and Bajv&#257&#7771&#257 in the Jalandhar Do&#257b. Starting his career as a soldier, he rose to be collector of revenue of the village of Ka&#7749g in the Loh&#299&#257&#7749 area, near Sult&#257npur Lodh&#299. He obtained half a dozen villages in Ka&#7749g area on lease and within an year the entire Ka&#7749g region. After some time Naw&#257b Zakar&#299y&#257 <u>Kh</u>&#257n, the governor of Lahore, appointed him chief (<i>h&#257kam</i>) of Sult&#257npur Lodh&#299. When after N&#257dir Sh&#257h's invasion (1739) Sikhs started gaining power, Zakar&#299y&#257 <u>Kh</u>&#257n made &#256d&#299n&#257 Beg <u>Kh</u>&#257n <i>n&#257zim</i> (administrator) of the Jalandhar Do&#257b to suppress them. Shrewd as he was, he tried to strengthen his own position by encouraging Sikhs instead of repressing them. Under pressure from Zakar&#299y&#257 <u>Kh</u>&#257n, he however had to expel them from his dominion. For non-payment of government dues he was taken into custody under the orders of the governor of Lahore and subjected to torture. On being set free after an year, he was appointed deputy <i>n&#257zim</i> under Sh&#257h Naw&#257z <u>Kh</u>&#257n. After Zakar&#299y&#257 <u>Kh</u>&#257n's death on 1 July 1745, his sons, Y&#257hiy&#257 <u>Kh</u>&#257n and Sh&#257h Naw&#257z <u>Kh</u>&#257n contested succession. &#256d&#299n&#257 Beg maintained good relations with both. Sh&#257h Naw&#257z <u>Kh</u>&#257n having captured Lahore appointed &#256d&#299n&#257 Beg chief of Jalandhar Do&#257b. Meanwhile, N&#257dir Sh&#257h died on 19 June 1747 and Ahmad Sh&#257h Durr&#257n&#299 became ruler of K&#257bul and Qandah&#257r. Sh&#257h Naw&#257z following &#256d&#299n&#257 Beg's advice invited the Durr&#257n&#299 king to march towards the Punjab, warning at the same time the government at Delhi about the Durr&#257n&#299's invasion. As Ahmad Sh&#257h advanced into the country, Sh&#257h Naw&#257z fled towards Delhi. Mu'&#299n ul-Mulk (M&#299r Mann&#363), son of Qamar ud-D&#299n, the chief <i>waz&#299r</i> of the Delhi king, succeeded in checking the invader at M&#257n&#363pur, near Sirhind. &#256d&#299n&#257 Beg joined hands with M&#363'&#299n ul-Mulk and was wounded in the battle. M&#363'&#299n ul-Mulk became governor of Lahore, with Kau&#7771&#257 Mall as his<i>d&#299w&#257n</i> and &#256d&#299n&#257 Beg as<i>faujd&#257r</i> of the Jalandhar Do&#257b as before. Sikhs again started plundering the country. Ahmad Sh&#257h Durr&#257n&#299 launched upon his third incursion into the Punjab (December 1751), this time forcing Mu'&#299n ul-Mulk to surrender. Mu'&#299n remained governor, now on the Durr&#257n&#299's behalf. He and &#256d&#299n&#257 Beg directed their energies towards quelling the Sikhs. On the festival of Hol&#257 Mohall&#257 in March 1753, &#256d&#299n&#257 Beg fell upon Sikh pilgrims at Anandpur killing a large number of them. The Sikhs retaliated by plundering villages in the Jalandhar and B&#257r&#299 Do&#257bs. &#256d&#299n&#257 Beg was as quick in coming to terms as he was in opening hostilities. He assigned some of the revenue of his territory to the Sikhs and admitted several of them, including Jass&#257 S&#299&#7749gh R&#257mga&#7771h&#299&#257, into his army.</p> <p class="C1">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mu'&#299n ul-Mulk died on 3 November 1753, and during the time of his widow, Mur&#257d Begam (Mu<u>gh</u>l&#257n&#299 Begam), &#256d&#299n&#257 Beg assumed independent authority in the Do&#257b, extending his influence up to Sirhind (March 1755). The Emperor of Delhi bestowed on him the title of Zafar Ja&#7749g <u>Kh</u>&#257n. The ruler of K&#257&#7749g&#7771&#257 accepted his overlordship. In May 1756, he was appointed governor of Lahore and Mult&#257n by the Mu<u>gh</u>al government of Delhi on payment of an annual tribute of thirty lakh of rupees. Ahmad Sh&#257h Durr&#257n&#299 came to Mu<u>gh</u>l&#257n&#299 Begam's help and &#256d&#299n&#257 Beg took refuge in the &#346iv&#257lik hills. The Af<u>gh</u>&#257ns reappointed him <i>faujd&#257r</i> of the Jalandhar Do&#257b. During Taim&#363r Sh&#257h's governorship (1757-58), &#256d&#299n&#257 Beg began to look around for allies with a view to expelling the Af<u>gh</u>&#257ns. The Sikhs and &#256d&#299n&#257 Beg's troops joined hands and defeated the Af<u>gh</u>&#257ns at M&#257halpur, in Hoshi&#257rpur district. &#256d&#299n&#257 Beg expressed his gratitude to the Sikhs by presenting a sum of a thousand rupees as homage to the Gur&#363 Granth S&#257hib and a lakh and a quarter as protection money for the Jalandhar Do&#257b. Keeping up appearances with the Sikh <i>sard&#257rs</i>, He wished to weaken their power and invited to this end Mar&#257&#7789h&#257s who had taken Delhi to come to the Punjab, offering them one lakh of rupees a day on march. He also persuaded Sikhs to help the Mar&#257&#7789h&#257s against the Af<u>gh</u>&#257ns. The Mar&#257&#7789h&#257s led by Raghun&#257th R&#257o and accompanied by the forces of the Sikhs and those of &#256d&#299n&#257 Beg entered Lahore in April 1758. &#256d&#299n&#257 Beg got the <i>s&#363bahd&#257r&#299</i> of the Punjab at 75 lakh of rupees a year to be paid to the Mar&#257&#7789h&#257s. The Punjab had now three masters : the Mu<u>gh</u>als, the Af<u>gh</u>&#257ns and the Mar&#257&#7789h&#257s, but in reality only two--&#256d&#299n&#257 Beg and the Sikhs. &#256d&#299n&#257 Beg brooked no rivals, and resumed his campaign against the Sikhs, increasing his armed strength and hiring a thousand woodcutters to clear up the forests in which the Sikhs were wont to seek shelter in times of stress. He laid siege to the Sikh fort of R&#257m Rau&#7751i at Amritsar. Before the Sikhs rallied to confront him, &#256d&#299n&#257 Beg succumbed to an attack of colic at Ba&#7789&#257l&#257 on 10 September 1758. His dead body was buried, honouring his will, at <u>Kh</u>&#257npur, 2 km northwest of Hoshi&#257rpur.</p> </font> <p class="BIB"> BIBLIOGRAPHY<p class="C1"><ol class="C1"><li class="C1"> Gupta, Hari Ram, <i>History of the Sikhs, </i> vol. II. Delhi, 1978<BR> <li class="C1"> Gandhi, Surjit Singh, <i>Struggle of the Sikhs for Sovereignty</i>. Delhi, 1980<BR> <li class="C1"> Bhagat Singh, <i>Sikh Polity</i>. Delhi, 1978<BR> </ol><p class="CONT">Bhagat Si&#7749gh<br></p><BR> </font> <img src="counter.aspx" width="1px" height="1px" alt=""> </HTML></BODY>